Capturing the Agile spirit
Best Agile explanation I’ve read so far, taken from POODR :
When to Design
Agile believes that your customers can’t define the software they want before seeing it, so it’s best to show them sooner rather than later. If this premise is true, then it logically follows that you should build software in tiny increments, gradually iterating your way into an application that meets the customer’s true need. Agile believes that the most cost-effective way to produce what customers really want is to collaborate with them, building software one small bit at a time such that each delivered bit has the opportunity to alter ideas about the next. The Agile experience is that this collaboration produces software that differs from what was initially imagined; the resulting software could not have been anticipated by any other means.
If Agile is correct, two other things are also true. First, there is absolutely no point in doing a Big Up Front Design (BUFD) (because it cannot possibly be correct), and second, no one can predict when the application will be done (because you don’t know in advance what it will eventually do).
It should come as no surprise that some people are uncomfortable with Agile. “We don’t know what we’re doing” and “We don’t know when we’ll be done” can be a difficult sell. The desire for BUFD persists because, for some, it provides a feeling of control that would otherwise be lacking. Comforting though this feeling may be, it is a temporary illusion that will not survive the act of writing the application. BUFD inevitably leads to an adversarial relationship between customers and programmers. Because any big design created in advance of working software cannot be correct, to write the application as specified guarantees that it will not meet the customer’s needs. Customers discover this when they attempt to use it. They then request changes. Programmers resist these changes because they have a schedule to meet, one that they are very likely already behind. The project gradually becomes doomed as participants switch from working to make it succeed to striving to avoid being blamed for its failure.
The rules of this engagement are clear to all. When a project misses its delivery deadline, even if this happened because of changes to the specification, the programmers are at fault. If, however, it is delivered on time but doesn’t fulfill the actual need, the specification must have been wrong, so the customer gets the blame. The design documents of BUFD start out as roadmaps for application development but gradually become the focus of dissent. They do not produce quality software, instead they supply fiercely parsed words that will be invoked in the final, scrambling defense against being the person who ends up holding the hot potato of blame.
If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, the Agile Manifesto was where we collectively began to regain our senses. Agile works because it acknowledges that certainty is unattainable in advance of the application’s existence; Agile’s acceptance of this truth allows it to provide strategies to overcome the handicap of developing software while knowing neither the target nor the timeline.
However, just because Agile says “don’t do a big up front design” doesn’t mean it tells you to do no design at all. The word design when used in BUFD has a different meaning than when used in OOD. BUFD is about completely specifying and totally documenting the anticipated future inner workings of all of the features of the proposed application. If there’s a software architect involved this may extend to deciding, in advance, how to arrange all of the code. OOD is concerned with a much narrower domain. It is about arranging what code you have so that it will be easy to change.
Agile processes guarantee change and your ability to make these changes depends on your application’s design. If you cannot write well-designed code you’ll have to rewrite your application during every iteration. Agile thus does not prohibit design, it requires it. Not only does it require design, it requires really good design. It needs your best work. Its success relies on simple, flexible, and malleable code.